Recently drove out to Temora to attend one of the mini airshows they put on,
while it was a beautiful day tricky conditions for photos. The display started
at 10.30am for two hours with the sun high and moving away from the viewing
location. To avoid Silhouettes needed to overexpose and also after a slow shutter
speed to get blurred props, two fold tricky conditions.
Ex Alpine Fighter Collection Spitfire MkXVI, as you can see from the image very
backlit, this image was captured using my Sigma 150 to 600mm lens, hand held
shutter speed of 1/160th at F 5.6 which was around 1.5 stops overexposed! Pity
about the red blob in the lh bottom corner, I am sure some fancy software which
I don't have could eliminate that. As you can see from the shadows the sun was
high and behind the machine.
Top side passes always look the best as they show off the shape of the machine
so well, however you need to be zoomed in, framed tight, get shutter speed and
aperture correct. The slower speed of the Wirraway and the smoke helped with
all this, this image again hand held at 500mm of zoom, shutter speed of 1/160th
at F11, really like how you can see the pilot clearly in this image.
This image of the Hudson shows the tricky nature of the light conditions, all the
sunlight is high and facing the machine.
I have never been very much into the technical side of photography, since all the
availability of information these days I'm starting to get into it, photographing
aeroplanes, tricky, challenging and rewarding, would love to hear from anyone
their tips all about learning is the way I see it.
The rest of my pic's here......