This is a bit long winded and I am sorry but wind and weight are the issue.
Like real aeroplanes with RC models weight is always the issue the lighter they
are the better they fly but of course the lighter they are the more effected they
are to wind, classic catch 22 stuff! The advantage of light foam models is if
they do crash they don't carry much momentum and more often than not this
relates to very little if any damage.
Now-days they have sort of electronic giros read up on AS3X, see link below. is really good at eliminating the influence of wind and turbulence, the
problem is that turbulence isn't to scale so the jerkiness you are talking about
isn't going away unless you fly in dead calm conditions which, of course, you
don't often get! These dead calm or very light wind days are the ones I dream
of and don't often get where I live!
I am happy to be corrected by any more experienced RC fliers out there. My
opinion would be to start by either contacting or visiting a local RC club,
either on line most hobby shops could give you a lead.
If this isn't possible get on to a simulator using your home computer, crash
and reset is free! After this then graduate to a rudder/elevator only (yes no
ailerons lots of dihedral) plane. Then when you have that mastered and yes
probably beaten this up as well graduate to a aileron trainer, something
like a Piper Cub, then have a go at a warbird something like a P40.
Sadly and again only my opinion, it seems the P40 isn't the best choice as a
first Warbird. Low wing mono planes are not great trainers, like with real
aeroplanes, you wouldn't learn to fly in a P40.
Below some links to what I think would be good trainers, I have no connection
with the below hobby shop just first one I found, I am sure you could find
similar closer to home or on line.
Good trainer but doesn't have AS3X. glider trainer.
I recently taught a local chap to fly with the below powered glider which is not an
ideal trainer, the best thing about this one is as your skills improve it is a great plane.
I still fly mine a lot it is so much fun, will sniff out lift as in slope soar can handle
a bit of wind and is so tough, survives crashes so well!
I recently taught someone to fly with one and he needed a little help but after two or
three sessions took to it like Whinny the Poo to Honey, no worries! trainer. I realise the above is a little disheartening, everyone wants to start with a fast
aerobatic Warbird, in most cases this will end up in tears and a bin full of broken
bits! Below a great forum read up on the trainer section ask some questions feel
free to quiz me. There are people out there who are way more experience and
qualified to give advice. I am self taught, went out there launched, crashed straight
away, went home repaired came back crashed, repaired, crashed, repaired you very
quickly learn that sadly crashing is part of the show! If you are not crashing you are
not learning, a very experienced RC flyer told me many moons ago that they are all
doomed and believe me this is true, the trick is how long you can delay the doom!
Look on tube lots of beautiful scale models flown by master RC pilots only have one
flight, models that took years to build.
Here's a good fuel powered P40 crash.
Probably the best value for money P40 out there is the all foam Durafly P40N, I have one
of these yet to build and fly, she is a bit of a handful but look great and apart from the fin
pretty true to scale.
Here's a Durafly P40 in NZ3009 markings, this chap gets her up and down okay.
RC Groups RC Electric planes Groups training aeroplanes Groups Radian powered glider. this is of help to any thinking about RC flying, there are many ways to go and
what I have suggested is just one of many, good luck and sorry I said it would be
long winded!